Thursday, July 30, 2009

How to Deal With a Biting Child

Many children go through a time period in which they bite. They may bite toys, other children or their parents due to teething pain or due to aggression. While having a biting child can cause difficulty in the family, dealing with the issue appropriately is crucial. Follow these steps to help you deal with a biting child.
Biting due to Teething

1. Step 1
Redirect the child away from the toy or child that she bit. Physically remove the toy from your child or move your child away the child that she bit.
2. Step 2
Explain to your child that he should not bite other children and certain toys. Be simple and direct in your explanation because teething children will have difficulty understanding complex explanations. Simply tell your child that biting hurts someone else or that he can destroy toys if he bites and eats them. If your child is old enough to apologize, have him do so.
3. Step 3
Give your child a teething ring, teething blanket, teething toy or frozen washcloth to satisfy her needs. Teething children often do have the need to bite and these items can satisfy that specific need without hurting someone else or another toy.
4. Step 4
Use medication to help minimize any tooth pain in your child. Acetaminophen or teething gels can help make your child feel better, which can minimize her biting.
Biting Due to Aggression
5. Step 1
Remove your child from the situation.
6. Step 2
Reprimand your child by explaining that they should not bite someone else when they feel mad, angry, sad or frustrated.
7. Step 3
Have your child apologize to the child that she bit. Make sure that she appears thoughtful and sincere in her apology. Promising that she will not bite again can also prove useful.
8. Step 4
Teach your child other ways to deal with his emotions. If he feels upset or angry, he may want to talk to you about it, spend some time alone, write about his feelings or talk to a counselor. Providing him ways to deal with his feelings can help minimize or eliminate the biting.

Tips & Warnings
• Act calmly and firmly when dealing with a biting child.
• Be consistent in your approach to biting. If you want your child to stop biting, you must follow the same approach after every single bite.
• If you can't minimize your child's biting episodes, contact your child's pediatrician for guidance

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